Hipertec Wall

Hipertec Wall

Self-supporting insulation panel insulated with rockwool for wall and partition applications, which require a high degree of fire resistance and acoustic insulation.

The HIPERTEC WALL panel, manufactured in accordance with a system patented by Metecno, consists of two micro-ribbed steel sheets, with an insulation core of orientated fibre high density rockwool, arranged perpendicularly to the plane of the panel and positioned in strips, laid longitudinally with off-set joints and transversely compacted, in such a way as to completely fill the space between the metal facings.

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The fire-resistance of a product is measured by means of a furnace brought up to a temperature of more than 1000°C in accordance with a given standardised curve. The test measures the product’s capacity to conserve time through certain significant parameters.

rockwool panels Manufacturer
rockwool panels Manufacturer

Reaction to fire is the degree in which a material resists combustion. With regard to this, materials are assigned a class (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5): the higher the class, the higher the degree of combustion. HIPERTEC® WALL panels, thicknesses 50 – 80 -100 mm, tested:

  • At the Instituto Giordano S.p.A., pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 26/6/84, were classified 0/1 for reaction to fire in the wall position.
  • At the MPA Dresden according to EN 13823 and EN 11925-2 for reaction to fire, have been classified, according to EN 13501-1 as A2 S1 D0. Since the panel consists of two steel sheets with a layer of rockwool inbetween, the class 0 refers to the external parameter and the class 1 to the insulation. Tests have been also madeat foreign Institutes with the following results:
Germany: Panel class B1, insulation class A1 – France: class M0.

The sound insulation of a material (for example, a panel) is given by the ability to reduce the passage of sound energy between two locations. valuation indices of Rw = 29-30 dB. The HIPERTEC ROOF panel has been tested to UNI 8270/7 and ISO 717/82 standards and, for the thicknesses 50-80-100 mm, obtained valuation indices of Rw = 29-30 dB.

rockwool panels Manufacturer
wall puf panel manufacturers

Sanjeev A Pillar of Metecno since 2006, held leadership position across different companies around the globe. With over 46 years of experience across a spectrum of industries in power generation and distribution equipment Mr. Sanjeev Kumar has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Delhi, Diplomas in Foreign Trade and Business Administration. He is Instrumental in expanding business across product groups, regions, setting up green field companies, joint ventures and global alliances.

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